About Us
The ECA was launched in 2015 at the recommendation of the Onondaga Citizens League (OCL), following the release of their 2013-14 study entitled, Early Childhood and School Readiness, Creating a Community Where All Children Thrive by Five.
One of the biggest challenges revealed by the study was the lack of a strategic, systemic approach to early childhood issues. While the study found many helpful services operating in the area, it also revealed that a lack of coordination and collaborative goal setting limited the potential impact on young children and families. The primary reason for formalizing the ECA was to bring community leaders, early childhood stakeholders, and families together to build a cohesive system of supports.
The ECA is composed of stakeholders from all levels of the early childhood system and is representative of the key areas of early childhood development - health, early learning, and family supports. Several committees with diverse membership help shape the strategic plan and guide its implementation. To get involved, contact Emily Dillon at edillon@ecaonondaga.org.
Our Priorities
The ECA is committed to advocating for and achieving equity, ensuring that all children
in Onondaga County are born healthy and reach their full potential. Our priorities include:
Promoting optimal development for all children.
Advancing high-quality early literacy environments for all children.
Improving quality across all child care providers.
Advancing reproductive well-being for all women.
Increasing family & community engagement in early childhood system building.
Enhancing the quality of supports for the early childhood workforce.
Influencing the early childhood system to advance improved outcomes for children & families.
The ECA facilitates cross-sector engagement and collaboration aimed at building a comprehensive and effective early childhood system that utilizes data driven solutions informed by community priorities to support young children and their families in order to advance optimal child development in Onondaga County.
All young children in Onondaga County are healthy, thriving, and successful in school and life; and all families of young children are supported in their parenting and have the knowledge, skills, confidence, and resources they need to raise their children in healthy and nurturing environments.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Family Centered
Shared Decision-Making & Governance
Systems Building
Data Driven